The ECHA's "substances of very high concern," or SVHCs, represent a threat to human health and safety, as well as the environment. As the name implies, these substances should be handled with responsibility and care. That's both due to their impact on human health and environment, as well as because of the burdens of REACH regulation compliance.
SVHCs are likely to face the strictest enforcement. The candidate list represents substances that have probable serious effects, are toxic for reproduction, are bio accumulative, have endocrine disrupting properties, harm the environment, or fall under another category that the ECHA categorizes as cause for high concern.
We're going to talk more about this category of substances, how regulations impact their use, and what companies can do to simplify reporting.
SVHC, or "substances of very high concern," is a category defined by the EU's European Commission under REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals). This category represents substances believed to harm human or environmental health.
When a substance is added to the candidate list, it creates immediate legal obligations for EU companies who work within or distribute to European Union member states. That includes the manufacturers themselves, as well as importers, distributors, and downstream users. Regulations apply if products contain the substance in quantities above 0.1% weight by weight.
EU and EEA suppliers who supply these substances also have to supply safety data sheets that must adhere to certain specifications.
The SVHC candidate list is managed by the European Chemicals Agency, or ECHA, and can be found on their website. 3E's product compliance system also updates with the latest regulatory compliance standards, allowing companies to identify which materials create legal obligations under various regulations, including REACH.
The following lists categorize all of the SVHC candidates under REACH regulation. You can use these lists to manually look up certain substances. They are also integrated directly into 3E.
The system will flag these substances within products, and also alert users if new substances added to the list are contained within their products. This system keeps companies current with their legal obligations, as well as highlighting potential opportunities to switch to alternative ingredients.
The list of these substances, called the "candidate list," is updated regularly, so the number is continually changing. As of June 14, 2023, the candidate list has 235 entries.
Entries include certain groups of chemicals in addition to specific substances, so the total number of substances covered by the list is higher than the number of entries.
According to a June 14, 2023 press release from the ECHA, the two newest substances of very high concern are:
Read more about these additions and the reasons for their inclusion on the ECHA website.
You must inform the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) if your articles contain SVHCs on the Candidate List above 0.1% weight by weight. You must also provide safety information to customers and consumers.
If your company uses Toxnot by 3E, you can access the REACH compliance page in your material record, then link your ECHA account to Toxnot. Once the accounts are linked, you can directly submit to the SCIP database. Click here to learn more about this process.
SCIP is a database for information on substances of concern in articles and it is established under the Waste Framework Directive (WFD). If it is determined that your article contains an SVHC over the limit, you can directly submit this information to the SCIP database using Toxnot.
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) is overseen by the European Commission. This regulation was established in 2007 to protect human health by limiting the use of hazardous substances in industrial and consumer products.
The burden to achieve compliance with REACH falls on companies within the EU (whether those are manufacturers, importers, or EU representatives of a manufacturer outside of the EU). If you work in the EU, your company may be directly responsible for this compliance. Read more about Toxnot 3E as a REACH compliance solution.
Toxnot by 3E helps companies fulfill their legal obligations around SVHCs by:
Toxnot by 3E is designed to simplify compliance with REACH and other standards. Automated alerts and intelligent filtering capabilities help companies stay on top of their materials lists and immediate legal obligations.
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